Dogstars Curriculum Overview

• Basic obedience – Basic obedience teaching solid foundation training for dogs of any age

• Advanced obedience – Advanced obedience for dogs  – learning to be off leash – and adding more distractions, people, other dogs, toys – with a BIG focus on recall and real life set ups

• Training Methodology – types of training methods and when to use them

• Dog Psychology – how they think and why they behave

• Dog Body Language – what they are communicating through body postures, body handling techniques 

• Dog Breeds and characteristics

• Behaviour Modification and Problem Behaviour – house training, barking, jumping up, chewing and fearful dogs, aggression, and much more!

• Food motivated training

• Toy motivated training

• Clicker Training & Film behaviours and working in film with animals

• Private and group training classes

• Client communications

• Starting your own business

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